Widely used in the cultivation of Flowers, Landscape plants, Succulent plants, and Sapling Fruit Trees. This Plant Growth Enhancer Supplement got all the nutrients your plants need to grow. Formulated to increase plant vigor, turf greening and growth, flower
development sites, and garden yields. This can be applied to your turf, vegetables, and flowers without concern for waste or harmful chemicals. This organic fertilizer for plants is designed to increase your plant's resistance and drought tolerance.
Root absorbs the auxins to achieve rapid growth. Our plant growth regulator can transform cuttings into strong, healthy flower plants. Contains a blend of all of the essential micronutrients and minerals required by many fruits, vegetables, and plants, which may not be present in your current nutrient program, the Plant Nutrient Solution will surely help maximize your plant’s health and growth. Whether your goal is to get bigger vegetables, healthier turf, larger, more vibrant flowers, and more, this will help you achieve the results you’re dreaming of.